The role of implants in modern dentistry

Dental implants remind a lot of us of oral surgery treatments - an intervention that sounds scary, a procedure that we are unduly afraid of.

However, painful surgery is a thing of the past, since anesthetic procedures and dental protocol have made tremendous progress in the past years.

Thanks to painless implantation process, more and more people decide to have implanted teeth that last for a lifetime. According to statistics, the success rate here is already 98%.

Owing to modern devices and high-quality implants, tooth implantation is a safe and reliable process - besides, implants might be the base of various visible prosthesis. Amongst other things, implants might be used for the fixation of removable dentures and may be the base of crowns and dental bridges.

Aesthetic and comfort

How serious is the tooth loss? Only one tooth or the whole set of teeth need to be replaced? In both cases, it’s practical to put the dental crown on the implanted tooth root.

When it comes to one tooth, it’s an outstanding advantage that there’s no need to polish the adjacent teeth (contrary to the dental bridge) thus, they can remain intact, without any material loss.

The implant won’t have a harmful effect on the existing teeth - after having been inserted in the jawbone, it might be a solid base for the visible prosthesis.

The crown is made by the dental technician in such a way that the artificial part can conveniently align to the adjacent teeth. Thus, the implant will give the sensation of an original tooth. Thanks to its massive fixation, it’s unlikely that the implant will break off. Furthermore, with appropriate adhesion and screw fitting, the crown won’t fall off either.

Besides crowns, dental bridges can be used with dental implants as well. In such cases, the gap between the teeth is bridged similarly to the method used with original teeth. The implants bordering the gap are connected with a sectional dental bridge in order to restore the chewing function besides aesthetics.

Fastening the whole set of teeth on implants is a process that requires patience, but it’s well worth the result. The outcome is an aesthetic, shining set of teeth that last for a lifetime and there won’t be any inconvenient moment during smiling or eating.

Allergy? There’s no need to worry!

A titánból készült implantátumok egyik legnagyobb előnye, hogy biokompatibilis, vagyis nem okoz allergiás reakciót.

The reason for this is the fact that titanium doesn’t dissolve in bodily fluids - it integrates without any risk, our body doesn’t reject it. We can confidently say this after many decades of researching, since result justify the efficiency of the resolution.

Besides titanium, patients have the possibility to choose a more expensive type of implant which is made of zirconium. This implant is completely metal free and more aesthetic because of its white colour.

However, the majority of oral surgeons believe in the now traditional titanium implants because of their high success rate.

How is a dental implant inserted?

As the first step, the dentist makes a health check of the whole oral cavity, then all the teeth requiring treatment is attended. Finally, the specialist eliminates the emerging gingivitis.

This might take a couple of days since implantation can only be performed in an infection-free environment. Good health condition is important anyway, because the integration can only be successful that way.

If no more anticipatory risk exists, the dentist plans the implantation with the help of 3D CT recordings.

The advantage of 3D CT recording is the accuracy never seen before - tissues and bones can be thoroughly examined by rotating the view arbitrarily in 3D, instead of former 2D.

If the patient’s condition and his/her jawbone’s quality is adequate, he/she might choose the most fitting implantation system together with the oral surgeon. Should the bone density not be sufficient or the height/width of the jawbone not be ideal, bone graft will be necessary.

Tooth implantation itself is a completely painless intervention, only a minor swelling might emerge in the affected area, even after the anaesthetic effects are gone. When there’s pain or discomfort, painkillers might be taken for a few days without any problem.

Then comes the recovery phase which takes around 3-6 months. During healing, implants grow together with the surrounding bone tissues - this is what ensures the incredible stability that characterizes the implant. 

The installation of the crown (namely the completion of the prosthesis) is probably the most spectacular part of the process. Here, the patient makes sure that it was worth waiting for so long since the result is perfect and timeless.

Follow-up and oral hygiene

Dental implant might be a lifelong solution if the patient cares for proper oral hygiene.

It’s important that the patient be aware of basic daily oral care routines since implanted teeth can only preserve their excellent condition if they are regularly cleaned.

Should gum disease or inflammation emerge, the dentist will be able to start the treatment on time and restore the healthy condition thanks to regular health checks.