• Interested in ortho-treatment but don't want to have metal braces?
  • Would you like to see the results in the shortest time possible?
  • Are you searching for the most convenient way of orthodontics?

Unlike traditional bracket and wire braces, this advanced system involves wearing a set of thin, transparent plastic aligners that progressively adjust your teeth until they reach a more ideal position. These oral appliances are custom made to fit and enhance your distinctive smile for beautiful results. 

We offer you the real effective alternative to braces!

Some of us never got the orthodontic attention we needed as teens, and those people often ask us about the best alternatives to braces for adults. Grown-ups are usually not keen on the idea of having traditional braces. The good news is that there are several alternatives to braces for adults.

Aligners are perhaps the most widely known of all the alternatives to braces for adults. Aligner treatment involves wearing a series of clear plastic trays on the teeth for 20-22 hours each day. Every couple of weeks, a new set of trays replaces the old set. For correcting basic cosmetic problems with discrete appliances, aligners are usually the go-to choice for adults.

"Aligner" removable, invisible appliances // How is it made?

The basis of the modern orthodontics is the computerized planning and manufacturing! We can design your desired smile prior to the orthodontics process keeping the rules of anatomy all the time in mind. All of the steps of the movement of your denture is strictly modelled and are shown to you by your dentist in all details so you can see the whole process. At this point with the plan we define the number of aligners needed for the required treatment. 

Need more info? Contact us to schedule a complimentary orthodontic consultation to learn more about this system and its possibilities.

Advantages of wearing aligners

Just to mention a few...

  • They can correct a variety of imperfections in your smile*
  • They make oral hygiene simpler - just take out and clean your teeth
  • They have a relatively short treatment time and the treatment can be easily programmed
  • They are typically more comfortable than conventional orthodontics - feel comfortable in social situations!
  • They require no food restrictions, unlike traditional braces
  • The aligners are transparent, making them very aesthetic to wear
  • Aligner treatment is also ideal for your busy schedule, with fewer doctor visits required (approximately every six weeks).

* Aligner treatment can be expected to work more efficiently for esthetic purposes rather than for the purpose of improving the functionality of the teeth. This is why many people, especially those who have complex dental problems, still prefer dental braces. Ask your orthodontist whether aligners are the good choice for you!


Usually the most aesthetic correction can be reached within 3-9 month-time. The necessary treatment time can be planned, because the process of treatment & production of the trays are precisely planned with computer (CAD).

Please note that the required time for reaching the goal of straight teeth depends on your personal case!

Most dentists recommend that anyone who has completed orthodontic treatment, whether braces or aligner treatment, use a retainer to prevent teeth from gradually shifting back towards their initial position. Because every case is different, please consult your orthodontist to confirm if you need post-treatment retainers, and if they are needed for both upper and lower teeth.

Because bridgework involves the connection of a tooth to surrounding teeth, it would be difficult for the aligners to work effectively. The aligners are designed to move each tooth separately, following the exact movements that your orthodontist will map out for you when creating your custom-made aligners.

Please consult with your dentist/orthodontist about any special orthodontic cases, such as veneers.

No. The aligners must be in place a minimum of 20 to 22 hours a day for the treatment to be effective.

While plastic aligners move your teeth without the pain and anxiety metal braces can cause, some people experience temporary discomfort for a few days at the beginning of each new stage of treatment. This is normal and is typically described as a feeling of pressure. It's also a sign that the aligner is working, as it moves your teeth to their final destination. This discomfort typically goes away in a couple of days.

No, gum will stick to the aligners. We recommend removing your aligners for all meals and snacks.

Similar to other orthodontic treatments, aligners may temporarily affect the speech of some people, and you may have a slight lisp for a day or two. However, as your tongue gets used to having aligners in your mouth, any lisp caused by the aligners should disappear.

Interested in the aligner technology? Watch this video.

Boost your self-confidence, book a consultation today!

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