Tooth whitening: brilliant smile for everyone!

Snow-white smile has become an expectation and a desire: beautiful teeth are tempting, attractive and they suggest reliability - thus, more and more people search for the possibilities to make their teeth whiter and brighter.

What’s the reason behind the discolouration of the teeth?

Teeth are not completely white in their natural state: some of them are light ivory, others are more yellowish since the final result is always defined by various factors. 

It depends on genetic endowments, eating habits or even on your lifestyle. Fortunately, dentistry knows many effective methods, so nobody needs to worry.

Our teeth usually become discoloured as a result of smoking or consuming tea and coffee. In such cases, the color shade of the whole set of teeth changes or the process results in stronger discolouration of the front teeth. 

What makes teeth dazzling white?

Dentists use various whitening methods by examining their durability and patients might discuss all of them during consultations.

One of the methods is peroxide-free cosmetic whitening which lasts for a few weeks. This is a pretty good solution when you want to have bright white teeth for a wedding or any other remarkable occasion since the result is quick and the procedure doesn't require any particular or special examination. The whitening material acts on the surface of the tooth and doesn't access its deeper layers.

If you’re looking for a lasting glow, we suggest that you choose clinical whitening. In such a case, a thorough examination precedes the treatment since the whitening gel mustn’t be put on carious teeth or on a tooth with poor filling.

Before whitening, we need to perform a plaque removal.

After having done the necessary treatments, the dentist puts the gel on the teeth then activates it with a special blue light. 

It’s important to know that this process is ineffective on root canal treated and dead, grayed out teeth. In such cases, dentists suggest patients to rather have zirconium crown or veneers. The first might be put on any tooth, the latter is only used on the front teeth but in return, bone loss is petty.

Tooth whitening at home is a more affordable solution which - although can’t effectively compete with traditional clinical whitening - can produce a significant improvement.

The whitening gel goes inside, then the rail should be put on the denture, for 4 hours a day. In two weeks, spectacular results can be achieved with this safe solution and the rail can be used for many years.

Unless a significant dental transformation is done, only the whitening gel should be bought.

How often can tooth whitening can be repeated?

The cosmetic treatment can be repeated after the whitening effect has worn off - that is to say approximately every three months, while the medical tooth whitening can only be repeated every 2 years. The most cost-effective procedure is whitening at home which is coordinated by your dentist - in such cases, the subsequent whitening treatment means a minimal expenditure after the rail is finished.

It’s important to know that you can never achieve such long-lasting results with toothpaste and whitening tools bought on the internet as you could with clinical whitening. These devices and products do not guarantee the preservation of teeth integrity.

In which cases tooth whitening is not recommended?

For patients who are suffering from gingival recession or have amalgam fillings and for mother-to-bes, tooth whitening is not recommended.

Before starting the treatment, the dentist makes a health check so that tooth whitening be effective in every case. Should there be tartars and tooth decays, they must be treated first and then comes the whitening.

It’s also important to examine if the patient is allergic to any of the used materials.

What should you do after a whitening treatment?

If your tooth enamel is very thin or your tooth neck is sensitive, then you have to deal with short-term inconveniences after tooth whitening but all these symptoms fade away in a few hours. If whitening treatment is done on a completely intact set of teeth, then the intervention won’t have any side effects.

After clinical whitening, it’s worth paying attention to your diet so that the result remains permanent. Since colorants more easily settle in tooth tissues and in weakened enamel, you have to avoid foods and drinks containing powerful dyes.

What are these? Red wine, coffee, tea, fruit juice and strongly spiced or acidic food. Noticeably strong coloured vegetables (beetroot, pumpkin) and fruits (strawberry, blackberry)are also contraindicated.

Smoking must be avoided at least for a week!

If we follow these rules, we can keep the white glow of our teeth for a long time.