Dr. Istvan MARKO has joined our team

Dr. Istvan MARKO has joined our team

Introductory interview with Dr. István Markó / Part 1

We welcome you as a new colleague at DENTOP. Given that it is important that our current and future Patients get to know with you. What would you say briefly about yourself? From where and with what ambitions did you come to our team?

Dr. István Markó: I prefer to make the treatment session to be as stress-free and calm as it is possible, because dental care alone causes anxiety for many people, so with the help of the peaceful atmosphere I create, I’m able to build a trustworthy connection with the patients and they will be more confident to come back for later treatments.

What does a first consultation look like for you? How much do you prefer to ensure explanation about the treatment itself? At Dentop we believe that providing sufficient information to the patient is one of the most important step, but how do you make sure that the information also “reaches” the patients? (treatment of white coat syndrome)

Dr. István Markó: First of all, I ask the question “with what problem did you come to us”, so I give the patient an opportunity to explain what she came for. This way I already get an idea of what kind of case I am dealing with and what hers needs are, and at the same time I’m giving the patient a chance to talk, that is very important. We take a panoramic x-ray and do a mouth examination that includes not only the teeth but also the gums, mucous membranes and tongue. Once this part is done, I will explain to the patient in an understandable way what treatment is needed, what it entails, and which one I would recommend for the first time.

It is much easier to build a good relationship of trust if we allow the patient to speak more than once. On the one hand, she sees that she is also an active part of the treatment, and on the other hand, she can tell her needs and indicate if there is a problem. Before the treatments, I would like to draw the patients attention to the fact that they can indicate if there is a problem, by raising theirs left hand. This is also crucial part because if someone’s mouth is open and the assistant and I are working, it can cause quite a bit of panic if something is wrong. Mere consciousness is enough for a calmer state of mind that they just have to raise theirs hand and we will stop.

I explain a lot during the treatment because it is much more stress free if the patient knows for example, that she will feel tension now, I will use a UV lamp now, I will drill again and again etc. So patients are free from the stress of what’s going to happen, how long will it last, they can prepare for it mentally and it won’t be unexpected if I drill again or use air / water again. This also supports the trustworthy connection and maintains a calm state of mind. At the end of the session, I ask if you have any questions. Here they have the opportunity to inquire about the treatment we have just performed or the additional treatments patient need. These further questions are much easier to discuss at this point once the patient has gotten over the session and she is usually relieved to see that I am a partner too. Again, it helps a lot in building a long-term relationship of trust.

You belong to the camp of the new generation of dentists. What technical / technological innovations apply to your working days? How and in what way do they help patients to make their visit to the dentist more and more comfortable for them?

Dr. István Markó: Dentistry is also a very dynamically developing branch of medicine, there is practically no year without another device, filling material, impression material, etc. in the market. In my daily life, I perform machine-assisted root canal treatment quite routinely, which practically halves the duration of the treatment so the patient takes less time to care for the given tooth, and CBCT (dental CT scan) is extremely helpful in root canal treatment. I am interested in the use of microscopes and digital impression techniques, these technologies are designed to provide the most accurate care to the patient.

In the field of conservative dentistry, what advise do you have when asked about prevention? Are you a promoter of using dental floss and interdental cleaning?

Dr. István Markó: I consider mechanical cleaning to be very important, if the plaque can be removed properly, the health of the teeth and gums can be preserved in the long run. Dental floss and dental cleanser, which should be part of daily oral care, help with this. As well as regular tartar removal and an annual dental checkup, which is an important part of prevention, as this way we know for sure that there is no problem.

Your main professional field is aesthetic dentistry and prosthetics. What treatments do you like to do the most and why? What do you consider a successful treatment?

Dr. István Markó: I consider it a successful treatment if the patient cannot tell that a filling / crown was made for him because it “merges” into his own smile, and I consider the doctor-patient relationship to be successful even if the patient returns boldly for annual control. if you have no problem. I really like making aesthetic fillings and inserts, and I have attended several trainings to develop my skills in this area. Also, of the dentures, I like to make the most removable and combined dentures, these prostheses are complicated enough and require a lot of precision, so they are a good challenge for me.

Which areas of dentistry do you consider most important in today’s world and why?

Dr. István Markó: The two leading causes of tooth loss are caries and periodontal disease, so conservative dentistry and periodontology, if possible, we try to keep the patient's own dental material with dental treatment. Periodontology is a relatively “young” field, which is why patients with periodontal disease are often not treated with enough emphasis in their daily care, so I always pay special attention to this.

István, thank you. We will continue our introductory interview with another interesting and exciting questions.

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