In recent weeks, COVID-19 coronavirus, which originated in China has appeared in more and more countries. The first focal point in Europe has been identified in northern Italy, and in recent days almost all EU countries have been affected, and practically shut down its own borders and cities in order to try to slow down the spread. The Hungarian Government has declared an emergency law effective from 11th of March, 2020 and the Hungarian Government has decided to proclaim an emergency.
We would like to ask our dear Patients to pay close attention to their health condition, and if they detect symptoms of the COVID19 disease or come into contact with someone who has been confirmed to be infected or strongly suspected of being affected, please inform us accordingly. Call your GP right away and follow his instructions until you are completely healed.
We would like to emphasize that as always mandatory dental clinic hygiene requirements apply, also development, updating, and compliance with our hygiene rules and protocols are essential for our day to day operation. Treatment rooms and waiting spaces are regularly ventilated as the virus spreads slower in the fresh air. Our waiting spaces and treatment rooms also have professional air recirculation and filtration equipment. Rooms, surfaces, and handles are disinfected several times a day to ensure patient safety.
However, with a responsible mind to protect you and our clinic staff, we are currently only in a position to treat healthy patients.
For this reason, we would like to ask you to delay your dental treatment in the following cases:
⛔ upper respiratory complaints (including colds, coughs, or fever in particular)
⛔ if you have been abroad for the last 2 weeks (especially if you have been in the countries most affected by the virus)
⛔️ if you are a relative in the case of sickness (even cough, fever) if you are over 60 years of age.
Our colleagues are available for appointment rescheduling via phone or e-mail as follows:
Phone: +36 70 408 7088
Email: [email protected]
⚠️ We kindly ask you do not come to your appointment with an escort.
⚠️ ️ Given the relatively small waiting area we have, it is preferable to arrive to our clinic just a few minutes before your appointment (and not earlier).
⚠️ ️ The most important first step is to maintain proper hand hygiene, so we strongly urge you to always wash your hands when you arrive at our clinic and use a hand sanitizer.