I love to put a smile on people’s faces through my work. - interview with dental hygienist Anita Pataki

I love to put a smile on people’s faces through my work. - interview with dental hygienist Anita Pataki

Why did you choose the profession of dental assistant-dental hygienist and what do you like most about it?

P. Anita: I have always been interested in healthcare, especially dentistry. I started this trend with dental studies to complete creativity and precision. Over time, I realized that I wanted a much more people-centered profession, so came the career choice of assistant-dental hygienist. I love to put a smile on people’s faces through my work.

How can you help Patients and why do you consider regular (half-year-to-year) dental hygiene treatment important?

P. Anita: After tartar removal, the goal is for patients to maintain good oral hygiene at home, which we achieved next to the chair. You will receive full information / instruction on the correct use of the toothbrush and interdental cleaners.

It is important to go back to cleaning every six months, as we can give feedback to patients about our observations. We can continue to refer them to the right professionals in a timely manner, thus avoiding the aggravation of any existing problem.

What is the sign of tartar, how much is worth visiting for removal?

P. Anita: Tartar forms from calcification of dental plaque. It turns light, yellowish at first and then brownish. May cause an unpleasant mouth odor.

The extent to which tartar develops is completely individual and the frequency with which it must be removed. During the first treatment, I assess the condition and determine a time interval as to when it is expected to be removed again.

Many people ask what kind of toothpaste and toothbrush to use (electric, manual, bristle hardness)? What do you usually recommend?

P. Anita: Whether it is an electric or manual toothbrush type, it can be cleaned effectively with both types, it just depends on learning the right technique. Toothbrush bristles, I recommend the soft bristles to protect the gums.

It depends on the person who likes what toothpaste, there are those who like very foaming or menthol. Most importantly, it contains fluoride, helps the integrity of tooth enamel, protects against caries. It is important to emphasize that mechanical thorough cleaning is not a substitute for any toothpaste.

Do you often come across a Patient whose brushing technique is inadequate? In such a case, how effective is a brushing technique education when you demonstrate the use of a toothbrush, floss, and interdental cleanser?

P. Anita: I find that a significant proportion of patients do not have adequate oral hygiene. Few use dentifrices, floss. Luckily, for the most part, in chair-by-chair education, I feel like people are interested and I help them expand their knowledge.

Since you would encourage Patients who have been to the dentist for a long time and / or are afraid, why should they come to you?

P. Anita: Everyone has fears and overcoming them is one of the biggest challenges. I meet many patients who are afraid to sit in the dentist’s chair because of some old trauma. For those who feel this frustration, stress, I usually do the treatment with several minor interruptions. A little talk, resting can help a lot. With peace of mind and patience, the stress subsides and the dental office becomes a much friendlier place.

The feeling of success is that they step up the rungs that have caused anxiety so far. In this step, I can help them through, and at the next treatment, they will enter the office more confidently.

Dentop dental hygiene packages include the Silver and Gold packages. What is the difference between the two and which one do you recommend?

P. Anita: The Silver package includes tartar removal and tooth polishing. The Gold package is complemented by air flow polishing of the teeth. Especially useful for those who feel food, drinks are discolored by their enamel.

The link below https://en.dentop.hu/dual-tartar-removal/ shows the mentioned packages in detail, and you can also book an appointment to Me. :)

As a dental hygienist, you also do teeth whitening. What is the difference between a dental hygienist and a doctor’s whitening?

P. Anita: There is a difference in the material of the teeth whitening, the work process is the same for both a doctor and a dental hygienist. The bleaching agent used by the doctor contains a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The result is that even more shades of teeth can whiten, but tooth sensitivity can also be stronger.

Even though dental hygienists use a smaller percentage of bleach, the result and success is not left behind. In my experience, on average, at least 2-3 shades of teeth are whitened during cosmetic whitening, which is already enough to leave patients satisfied. The advantage is that the teeth become less sensitive during and after treatment.

Thank you for the interview!

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