Is tooth decay reversible?

Tooth decay (cavity, dental caries) is a multi-stage process during which bacteria attack and soften the strongest and hardest material of our body, the dental enamel.

Pathogens get deeper and due to their adverse effect, they cause inflammation in the dental tissues. If symptoms left untreated, the presence of bacteria might lead to tooth loss in the longer term.

Oral care deficiencies and malnutrition which are attributable to our fast-pacing lifestyle don’t spare our teeth. Thus, tooth decay is already endemic today and the majority of adult population is suffering from it.

Is my tooth decayed?

Tooth decay is one of the insidious dental problems, since a lot of patients don’t go to the dentist as long as there’s no visible or sensible sign. Many patients postpone the necessary control and treatment until various symptoms become evident, such as pain and sensitivity.

Why is this a problem?

Because cavity often forges ahead without any obvious signs and it might have such consequences that are much more difficult to treat than it would have been if we had visited the dentist on time.

The first sign of tooth decay is white stains appearing on the surface of the tooth. The dental enamel is weakened in these areas, thus they get more easily damaged by destructive materials and sugary, acidic food.

If we notice these signs on time, we can stop or even reverse the process by using fluoride toothpastes regularly.

During the second stage, pain occurs while consuming high-content sugar food and beverages. This unpleasant sensation is gone as immediately as it came.

If the patient visits the dentist on time, the tooth can be saved with a simple cleaning and filling. During filling, we set the tooth free from the sick parts and fill the empty space with aesthetic (white) dental filling.

If there’s proper dental care, bacteria won’t damage the enamel anymore and the health of the teeth will easily recover.

Obviously, everything of the above is valid only if we start the necessary treatment on time without procrastinating. If we don’t, then there comes the following stage:

The third stage might be familiar to many: this is the period of excruciating and continuous pain which indicates pulpitis and irreversible damage. In such a case, bacteria have already reached the interior of the tooth and inflamed roots, nerves and the periodontium as well.

In most cases, the tooth might even be saved here with an accurate root canal treatment. Here, we remove all the infected parts then fill the tooth with an effective, yet safe medicated filling that eliminates the inflammation. Finally, we gain some unclouded years for the tooth by inserting a permanent cover filling.

If you experience any symptoms of the above, we suggest that you visit your dentist as soon as possible. Painful moments are preventable with well-timed treatments and we don’t need to be afraid of inconvenient consequences which might result in tooth loss.

Reversible or preventable?

Dental cavity can be stopped if it’s treated on time and it’s preventable by proper oral hygiene and good nutrition. Sadly we don’t get the lost bone material back but this problem can be remedied with dental inlays and aesthetic fillings.

It’s extremely important to know that tooth cavity is not the immediately visible result of bad nutrition and inadequate oral hygiene. It’s more likely the consequence of a long-term process.

That is to say, if your diet is too carb-focused and you omit brushing your teeth before going to sleep, it will inevitably have its serious consequences even though you don’t see anything yet in the mirror on the second or third day.

Teeth tend to deteriorate even at an early age if we give lactic or sugary beverages to our children after having their teeth brushed in the evening. Letting the child fall asleep with the feeding bottle in his/her mouth induces the same aftermath.

Excessively processed, soft foods and certain diseases associated with dry mouth - such as diabetes - facilitate the development of tooth decay. If not treated in time, even a single diseased tooth might easily damage the adjacent teeth.

This is the reason why we emphasize: cavity might be evitable with an appropriate diet and complete, accurate tooth care. Regular dental health check is suggested in order to filter and mend any possible damage as soon as possible. We may do a lot for the health and beauty of our smile with a well-timed treatment.

How to prevent development of dental caries

When brushing, use fluoride toothpastes since it strengthens the enamel and thus, it will be more resistant to acids.

Avoid eating snacks after having brushed your teeth in the evening and don’t drink anything but water if you’re thirsty. At night, saliva production is reduced in our mouth so the power of the protective line that defends our oral cavity is decreased. By the morning, bacteria is already swarming inside the plaque that is accumulated on our teeth. These pathogens produce acid which starts tooth decay.

After having eaten strongly sweetened or acidic food, wait a couple of minutes before brushing your teeth. Anyhow, cleaning your teeth after half an hour is absolutely necessary.

Let’s chew more! Raw fruits and vegetables not only clean your teeth mechanically, but the vigorous chewing also triggers the production of saliva. Larger quantity of saliva easily washes through the interdental spaces and removes a portion of bacteria.

Besides, don’t forget to visit your dentist regularly since health checks might save your teeth!

Bacteria often attack the teeth from the lower, gingival (gum) side. It’s more complicated to remove the accumulated plaque from here - once it transforms to tartar, it will protect the bacteria swarming below as an armour.

It often happens that cavity is almost invisible from the outside but as soon as the tooth is drilled, it almost collapses immediately. Thus, teeth cleaning doesn’t end at brushing your teeth twice a day, it’s also necessary to keep them under control so that you can find out any hidden problems.

We’re sure that you take care of the integrity of your bones and you always try your best to avoid any fracture or any other injury. Please, pay attention to your teeth as well since an incomplete, diseased set of teeth might influence your social life and your nutritional habits. Additionally, all this affect your physical and mental health.