Dental implant

Dental implant treatment


Dental implant, more commonly known as artificial root is a screw made of titanium. It’s installed in the jawbone and it serves as the tooth root for various dental prosthesis. The implants that are put in the place of the missing teeth support the crown or the dental bridge later on.

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Replacing a missing tooth = implant + abutment + crown on implant

A full set consists of 3 main elements. First the oral surgeon inserts the artificial root (the titanium implant), then after the healing period the specialists prepare the crown for the implant. The abutment is the connecting unit between the "root" and the crown.

After how much time can we start creating the prosthesis?

After having the bone graft material inserted, 3-6 months of osseo integration (this time is required for the artificial tooth to integrate to your bone) period is necessary, then we can prepare the crown.

The relief of the bone implant is done prior to the production of the prosthesis. In such cases, a healing cap is inserted in the bone graft material which adapts the gums to the future crown’s contour.

It’s typical with our quality-surfaced implants that the complete prostheses are delivered at the 18th week following the implantation, including the time scale of technical work as well.

Only a single tooth can be replaced with an implant?

No. Of course, you have the possibility to replace several adjacent teeth. In such cases, we typically use bridges as it can be seen in the picture below.

Should a single tooth be missing, we can protect the adjacent teeth using an implant!

As far as the conventional procedure is concerned, grinding the adjacent teeth means a significant bone loss - besides, the bridge doesn’t deliver masticatory force to the jawbone which may lead to bone structure loss.

Watch the comparison video of two different tooth replacement methods below which shows the difference between the conventional 3 unit bridge and the single implant borne bridge:

Replacing multiple teeth with implants - the modern bridgework.

How is the surgery performed?

Implantation is done under local anaesthesia, the operation is painless. Subsequent complaints might emerge, such as swelling of the face or less commonly facial bruises and numbness. Usually, these symptoms slip away after a couple of days.

Who might receive an implant?

Almost everybody can have an implant - excluding factors might be bad oral hygiene, massive smoking, untreated diabetes, coagulation disorders or consumption of bisphosphonate containing medicines.

Having sufficient bone tissue concerning both the width and height of the jawbone is essential for the insertion of an implant. Unfortunately, tooth starts to degrade after the extraction and if we wait too much with making the prosthesis, it might happen that insufficient bone tissue remain to receive an implant. However, thanks to modern technologies, this problem can be remedied since there’s a way to replace the missing bone tissue.

The insertion of the implant is preceded by accurate planning. A three dimensional CT scan is done of the surgical area. The scan is analyzed by the doctor performing the surgery, then he / she plans the size and location of the implant with maximum precision.

What is a bone graft?

A prerequisite for insertion is the existence of appropriate quality and quantity of bone tissues. If examinations demonstrate that the available bone tissue is not sufficient, we need to perform a bone graft. This procedure might be done using the patient’s own bone tissue or by employing bone substitute materials. The surgery is performed under local anaesthesia. Bone graft surgeries are performed by our oral surgeon - this procedure might often imply a Sinus Lift on the upper jaw, in the molar area.

Bone graft surgeries are all performed under local anaesthesia and they’re completely painless. It’s important to know that subsequent complaints might emerge, such as swelling of the face or the appearance of facial bruises. We can facilitate healing time with applying cold compress on the face or by sleeping on elevated pillows. It’s also suggested to take painkillers or - if necessary -antibiotics for a few days.

How is sinus lift performed?

Your surgeon cuts and raises your gum tissue, then a small, oval window is opened in the bone. After this, the sinus membrane is gently pushed up and away from the jaw through this window. The space where the sinus was is filled with bone graft material. If implantation can’t be done at the same time with bone graft surgery, the patient need to wait approximately six months to receive the implant.

Implants are compatible with single crowns and they might also serve as pillars for dental bridges. Besides, removable dentures might also be stabilized by implants, for example when two implants are attached in the lower jawbone by a pier.

Similarly to classic dentures which are made for the original teeth, this prosthesis is made on the basis of an impression. The dental technician uses various instruments to locate the implant’s axle alignment and its exact position in the mouth.

More than durable. It lasts for a lifetime.

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